Friday, June 7, 2013

What challenges did you face in your research work??

Dear Postgraduate Students and Researchers

I would appreciate if you could spare your time and answer the following questions based on your experience when doing a scientific research or any postgraduate research based in Science (not social science research) in Tanzania

  1. What are the challenges you faced or you are still facing towards accomplishing your research idea?
  2. How did the challenge affect your study plan?
  3. Do you think such challenges can be solved?
  4. If YES to question 3, explain how? and if NO explain why?
Thanks for your time


where to perform a microbiological research?

Many postgraduate and graduate researchers  are hunting for a reliable labs where they can they can accomplish their research work. Experience shows that most labs are either not well equipped to perform the task, or they lack experts in the area which researchers are interested; as a result most postgraduate students graduates  beyond their expected time frame or they even forego their studies!

My labs is structured to be the home of all postgraduate researchers in areas related to Biological sciences, kindly consult me well in advance prior to your research dates; I guaranteee a timely research work and a timely graduation.

call +255 762 85 66 16